Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Escape to Elsewhere

I'm just playing the events of the day on my mind again and again on this long bike ride. I woke up early in the morning, Wrote a note to Mother and Father , saying that I have gone on a ride with Gabe, picked Gabriel up, put him on father's bike and rode off. Even though not everything went according to plan, and I brought Gabe with me, I think that I made the right choice. It was either life with me on this journey or release which is the equivalent to death, I think that Gabe would also think I made the correct choice. The only problem is that hopefully  this Elsewhere us close because we have already run out of food. The weather was almost never to our comfort since the weather we had in our community was the weather we were used to and that weather was hardly found in the sky. Gave was also crying occasionally but I couldn't do anything for him and my senses were not working well, but I used to stop and give Gabe some nice memories so that he could calm down for a while. The next day carried on the same way until I couldn't take any more but could sense that our destination is very close. After that I found a seed and went down a very steep hill until I stopped because  I could hear something I knew to be music.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Training in Progress

 I have taken quite a few sessions with the Giver now, and I am already quite used to training and now I have a much better idea of what the Cheif Elder was talking about when she was telling everyone that this assignment requires the kind of pain we cant even imagine. It does hurt a lot when the Giver gives me painful memories but i can still always look forward to the pleasent ones. After all, it is now my job and responsibility to take them, regardless if they are nice or harsh. As the receiver of memories I now understand this, which is why I tell the Giver to give the painful memories as well. Another reason is that I know that the bad memories cause you pain a lot of the time. When I take the memories from him,it eases his pain and makes me feel better.

Instruction manuel

I wasn't sure what to expect from the folder that was given to me which included information about my assignment. I wasn't as clear as I thought it would be. It said that I was allowed to ask many questions and would receive answers. I also decided said that I am exempted from rules and governing rudeness. Why was this? Mother and father weren't told that  they could do these things at the ceremony of twelve. I doubt that anyone would have received rules like this. Why was I excused from things that others weren't? It also included specific things like being prohibited from dream telling. I am quite glad for that. I was never really into dream telling so frankly I am quite happy that I don't have to do it anymore. Of all the rules that startled me, there were two which really stood out.I wasn't allowed to share my training. Why couldn't I share my training? Is there something secretive about it? I shall have to ask the receiver of memories.

The ceremony of twelve

The ceremony of twelve really had fridghtened me in the beginning. I still remember watching Fiona who was  number 18, go on stage and collect her assignment as the caretaker of the Old. I was happy for her, but couldn't keep the anxiety away from myself. I was next and I stood there waiting for my number to be called. To my surprise, the next number the cheif elder called was 20. At first, I was shocked but then started thinking that it was a mistake and I would be called next. For  a moment I also thought that I had forgotten my number because after 20, the Cheif Elder called 21 then 22 and then went on. I put my head down in disgrace. I didnt know what to do. Did I have to repeat another year with the new twelves? Fortunately I was proven wrong. After   everyone was done, the Cheif Elder called me on stage and apologized for skipping my number. She said that I had all those qualities this assignment needs, This was also the most honoured position in the community. I simply rode home thinking of what my training would be like.