Sunday, October 3, 2010

Instruction manuel

I wasn't sure what to expect from the folder that was given to me which included information about my assignment. I wasn't as clear as I thought it would be. It said that I was allowed to ask many questions and would receive answers. I also decided said that I am exempted from rules and governing rudeness. Why was this? Mother and father weren't told that  they could do these things at the ceremony of twelve. I doubt that anyone would have received rules like this. Why was I excused from things that others weren't? It also included specific things like being prohibited from dream telling. I am quite glad for that. I was never really into dream telling so frankly I am quite happy that I don't have to do it anymore. Of all the rules that startled me, there were two which really stood out.I wasn't allowed to share my training. Why couldn't I share my training? Is there something secretive about it? I shall have to ask the receiver of memories.

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