Sunday, October 3, 2010

The ceremony of twelve

The ceremony of twelve really had fridghtened me in the beginning. I still remember watching Fiona who was  number 18, go on stage and collect her assignment as the caretaker of the Old. I was happy for her, but couldn't keep the anxiety away from myself. I was next and I stood there waiting for my number to be called. To my surprise, the next number the cheif elder called was 20. At first, I was shocked but then started thinking that it was a mistake and I would be called next. For  a moment I also thought that I had forgotten my number because after 20, the Cheif Elder called 21 then 22 and then went on. I put my head down in disgrace. I didnt know what to do. Did I have to repeat another year with the new twelves? Fortunately I was proven wrong. After   everyone was done, the Cheif Elder called me on stage and apologized for skipping my number. She said that I had all those qualities this assignment needs, This was also the most honoured position in the community. I simply rode home thinking of what my training would be like.

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